There are a range of qualifications and titles used in mental health. Here's some of the more common ones and what they mean. Bridge is a Clinical Psychology practice.
The term “psychologist” is regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and only professionals who have completed approved university training can call themselves a psychologist. A psychologist is able to offer medicare rebates for an approved list of services. Psychologists work in many settings including the courts, education, sport, the corporate world, and in our case, mental health.
A Clinical Psychologist treats mental health disorders. They have completed six years of advanced academic training and then a further two years of supervision with a senior clinician, specifically in treating mental health.
A fully qualified psychologist who is now undertaking these two further years of supervision to become a Clinical Psychologist.
A psychologist that holds a general psychology registration and who may work in a variety of fields.
Has completed their tertiary psychology qualifications and is now undertaking two years of mentorship and supervision with a qualified senior psychologist to develop and apply their skills. During this time they are not eligible to offer Medicare rebates.
A Psychiatrist is a doctor who has completed a medical degree and then completed post graduate training to specialise in mental illness. Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists may work together with clients who benefit from a combination of medical and psychological treatments.
Psychotherapists are not registered by AHPRA and may have a range of qualifications. Registered Psychologists may use psychotherapy as a treatment mode, however the term psychotherapist does not mean the therapist is a registered psychologist.
Counselling is not registered by AHPRA and a counsellor may have a range of qualifications. Psychologists may use counselling methods as part their therapy, however a practising counsellor does not need to be a registered psychologist. They do not offer medicare rebates.
Psychologists are trained to use a variety of tools to treat mental health disorders. These have titles including CBT, DBT, Schema Therapy and ACT. A psychologist will choose the mode or modes to bring the best outcome for each individual client. Find out more about these on our What We Do page.