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Dialectic Behaviour Therapy is a type of behaviour therapy which is particularly helpful for people who struggle with moodiness, impulsiveness or feeling out of control with their emotions.
It is generally utilized to treat Borderline Personality Disorder but the skills can also be used to treat other concerns when emotional regulation is key. 
Where CBT concentrates on our own thinking and behaviour, Dialectic Behaviour Therapy focusses on developing skills to help us live more emotionally managed lives. DBT may be taught in group sessions but the same skills can be applied within individual therapy.
Clinical psychologists who use DBT undertake specific training to be accredited in this kind of therapy. All Bridge psychologists have DBT skills.

Bridge Consulting Psychologists,   243-5 Sturt Street, Adelaide, SA 5000.  Phone: 08 8212 7740 
Located on the traditional homelands of the Kaurna people.      E:

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